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How To Add Keywords in Blogspot / Blogger Posts For Optimization?

If you have original contents or articles and SEO friendly content in your blog, then no doubt you can surely get high ranking in search results just like google search,bing,yahoo..,.

One.Starting and Ending Para of Content
Whenever you write new post for your blogspot, always keep in mind to add your main keyword in 1st and last paragraph of your content’s. both the locations are best for this purpose and search engines also look for keywords in these 2 places to decide the ranking of our blogspot posts.
   Note: Don’t use same words once more and once more. better to use multiple and relevant words. Using multiple related word not only defend our content from keyword stuffing penalty however additionally help it to seem high with multiple search terms. hence a lot of targeted traffic to our Blogger..

Two.Image Name, alt Tag and Title Tag
We all understand that pictures or images plays best role in explanation of the Subject.
Using pictures or images to optimize our blogger posts even better.
   We just need to optimize our pictures or images before inserting them into our posts. The higher we optimize the pictures or images, the better our posts will optimise SEO just like Google,Yahoo,Bing. 

   Read below article post to understand best 6 methods to optimize pictures or images in blogger.

6 Methods To Optimize Pictures or Images For SEO

If we tutorial about adding targeted words in Blogger posts using Pictures or Images , then let me tell you that image’s name, title tag and alt tag are the best and prominent places.

Three.Title Of Our Posts
   Our post titles are the highest most places to add our targeted keywords. you'll listen that we should always use catchy post titles to attract more readers. But with catchy post titles we should always also keep in mind to add our keywords there.
   Meaningful post titles grab more audience. Not only from social sharing sites, however from search engines too. So, continually try to use meaningful and catchy post titles to speed up or boost your posts traffic.

Four.Permalink of Posts
   Permalink is the URL of our Blogger posts. It’s a killer location to add really targeted keywords. By default, permalinks create on the idea of our post’s titles. But we could use our custom permalinks to add our keywords.
To add custom permalinks go to your Post Editor > click on Permalink from the right side menu and choose Custom Permalink. Add your main keywords there and press Done button.
Waring: If you try to use only targeted keywords( benefit keywords) in permalinks.Not allow.

Five.Post Labels
Post labels not only used to categories our Blogger posts. If used well then we can take their advantages to optimize our Blogger posts too.

Stop using non keyword rich names for your labels. Named them correctly and place your really targeted words there.

If you'd forgotten to input your keywords in label’s name, then don’t worry. we can rename them too.

Six.Post Comments
Many Bloggers are unaware with this trick that we can use our Blogger comments too to add some keywords in our blogger posts.
   Yep, you heard. A lot of advantages of Blogger comments and if we use them effectively and no doubt we can get better ranking in Google,Bing, Yahoo,search results.
   Whenever you reply your reader’s discuss on your Blogger, If you try to add some keyword phrases or niche words  in your reply in a natural means that appears obvious while reading.
   This is my experience to add keywords in Blogger blog posts. I do my experience and really help me to gain higher rankings in search engine.
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